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Updates to Floor Plan Management in Flexmls

By Kymberly Franklin posted 15 days ago


We are updating the way floor plans from any source are managed, displayed, and integrated within Flexmls. 

What is changing? 

Floor Plans Now Have Their Own Media Category
When editing or adding a listing, there will be a new section called Floor Plans, where you can upload floor plans. The process to upload and manage a floor plan will be similar to the current process for uploading and managing photos. 

Floorplans screenshot on FLEXMLS
Accepted file types for floor plans include all currently accepted photo file types (JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, HEIC, BMP, TIF, TIFF, PBM). Maximum accepted file sizes are also the same as maximum accepted photo sizes (15 MB or 3000 x 2000 pixels). PDFs are not currently an accepted file type for floor plans. MLS watermarks will also be applied to all uploaded floor plans.  
Floorplans screenshot on FLEXMLS

Improved Display for Floor Plans When Searching
Listings with a floor plan will now have a “Floor Plan” tag on Android, Mobile Web, and Portals, similar to the 3D Tours or Price Change tags you see today. Users are also able to search for listings with floor plans in Quick Search using the Additional Search Options. 

FlōPlan Floor Plans
To read more about this change for FlōPlan floor plans, check out
this article

