Stacking Social Media to Build a Brand
Monday, October 23rd
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Free, 0CE
Register Here
Increasing brand awareness is crucial for any business to thrive and grow, including your real estate business. Many Realtors may choose to spend valuable profits to get their message out to consumers via a multitude of advertising mediums. But did you know that the same social media platforms you use to stay in touch with friends and family can be one of the best methods to increase your following and gain new customers? And best of all… It’s free! has created a series of beneficial webinar sessions to get you up and running with social media for your real estate business. With Stacking Social Media to Build a Brand, we will cover tasks such as auditing your online presence. Learn how to stack your various social channels, such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and more, to help you to increase your consumer awareness and propel your real estate business to the next level. Managing your different social media channels and coming up with new and engaging content can also be a hurdle with social media marketing. Still, we have you covered there, too, as we discuss some of the tools you can use today to take better hold of your accounts with social media management apps and video platforms to help you create new and engaging content. By registering for this session today, take control of your social media strategy and learn these valuable tips and more.