June 11th
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Register Here
An overview eKEY Basic features.
To get the most out of the live demonstration, please make sure you have your eKEY authorized so that you can follow along. If you do not have it downloaded, please go to your app store and download. Once downloaded, select Authorize eKEY App > select "I need to request an authorization code" > enter either your email or mobile phone number you gave your organization on file > enter your PIN Code (this is provided from your organization when setting up your account and getting assigned a key) & then tap on submit. You will either receive an email or text message with your authorization code. For further assistance, copy and paste https://www.supraekey.com/Media%20Library/eKEY-Authorization_Codes.mp4 into your chosen browser for the "HOW TO" video for authorization codes.
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