Does Probate Kill Your Deal? –At the Association

When:  Aug 15, 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Thursday, August 15th

10:00am – 12:00pm 

2CE, Compliments of Lacey, Lyons, Rezanka Attorneys at Law

Register Here

What REALTORS® Need to Know About Probate and Real Estate

Attorney Lacey will answer these questions and cover these topics:

  • What is Probate? 
  • Is Probate Needed?
  • Types of Probate.
  • Decision Tree for Probate.
  • Homestead vs Non-Homestead Property.
  • Order Determining Homestead.
  • Intestate Homestead Property.
  • Timelines for Probate:  Homestead, Non-Homestead.
  • Clearing Title and much more…

Instructor: Stephen J. Lacey, Esq.