Navigating Rentals and Investments, Probates and Trusts admin. - In person

When:  Sep 21, 2023 from 09:00 to 12:30 (ET)

September 21st

 9:00am – 12:30pm


Registration Link:

Subjects covered:

The Curious Case of Short-Term Rentals – Speaker: Attorney Tom Algeo, Esq. - Real Estate Litigator for 30 years.  Counsel with Mr. Waldron’s law firm

Financing Issues with Short-Term Rentals - Mortgage Broker Dan Overstreet – Owner:  Atlantic Mortgage. Broker since the earth cooled.

Probate & Trust Administration: What Brokers Need to Know – Attorney Tom Waldron, Esq. – Real Estate and Estate Planning attorney for 30 years. – Broker for 45+years and Real Estate Instructor 7 years.

Navigating Rentals Class Flyer